System utilities downloads xctu by digi international inc. When the file has finished downloading, run the executable file and follow the steps in the xctu. After powering autopilot up you can use xctu software for performing remote nodes discovery in order to make sure that wiring and settings are correct. By pr oper configuration using the xctu software and correct hardware. When the file has finished downloading, run the executable file and follow the steps in the xctu setup wizard. The license of this utilities software is freeware, the price is free, you can free download and get a fully functional freeware version of xctu.
All the available new firmware versions will be downloaded if you select web and are connected to the internet. You can also access the documentation from the help menu of the tool. You should now see the mounted xctu device on your desktop. Select desired function set and firmware version from their respective pulldown menu. Once xctu has been downloaded, the next step is to install the program. Xbee3 firmware over the air fota update using xctu wireless. Ctu software and usb drivers will need to be on each computer used in conjunction with this guide. Please refer to digi internationals xbee manual for more information. Once the download is complete, unzip and run the executable file and follow the steps in the xctu setup wizard.
The circuit object object the connections are pretty easy, see the above image with the breadboard circuit schematics. Do not use illegal warez version, crack, serial numbers, registration codes, pirate key for this utilities freeware xctu. Xctu is a standalone tool for configuring xbee modules. The latest version of xctu can be downloaded from download xctu. Using xctu to download firmware and profiles to xbee rf. Xbee module configuration install xctu pyroelectro.
If you choose to open the file, then the browser opens the file in the helper application that you specified. Doubleclick on the installer file and follow the xctu setup wizard. Solved how to download a pdf file on a button click. Accelerate downloads by up to 5 times, schedule downloads, recover and resume broken downloads. Supported products operating systems windows vista7810 32bit or 64bit versions mac os x v10. Its equipped with a minib usb connector, so youll need the proper usb cable to connect it to your computer. Thats what translates data between your computer and the xbee. Take the xbee out of the carrier board, attach the carrier board to the ftdi cable, and start up the xctu software. Setting the file system public key on an xbee3 device needs to done locally with a xctu wired connection.
This free pc program was developed to work on windows xp, windows vista, windows 7, windows 8 or windows 10 and can function on 32bit systems. Xctu is a free multiplatform application that enables developers to. G2 application note for install xctu xbee s1 modules. You may use a different version of xctu from another source, but its behavior may be. Double click on that image file and agree to the terms you can read it if you want to. The next time you select a link to a pdf file, the browser may prompt you to open or save the file. The url of the pdf has some rediection going on before the final pdf is reached. For more information read the general conditions of sale and use of libelium. Go to the modem configuration tab remember to set your com port and select your modem from the drop down list and also select the latest firmware. Zone convert files to pdf, convert files, and many more programs. Xctu is a free multiplatform application designed to enable developers to interact with digi rf modules through a simpletouse graphical interface.
In the file system public key row, click configure. Revisionhistory90001458 revision date description m november2018 6. Download and install xctu software for proper kit configuration and operation x. Xctu download xctu freeware by digi international inc. Getting started with xbee rf modules jameco electronics. Click on the file when installing compressed firmware files from a cd or saved file see figures 11 and 12 2bi.
Browse to the location the file is saved at and click on open see figure. Once xctu is running, add your devices to the tool and then select them from the radio modules section. If the software is unable to find configuration file then manually select correct modem type from the pulldown menu. Xbee3 firmware over the air fota update using xctu. This new tool allows you to manage the file system of radio modules attached to your computer. Please check the individual product pages free downloads for an errata file. Xctu is a next generation configuration platform for xbeerf solutions. The xbee explorer usb is the most popular of the explorers. Run the program and connect the xbee explorer usb board with your computer. How can i download a pdf and store to disk using vb. Intel xtu is a windowsbased performancetuning software that enables novice and experienced enthusiasts to overclock, monitor. The installation process for this program is just like any other, so download and get it installed on your laptop or desktop.
Xctuuserguide90001458 revision date description b october 2015 revisedtomigratecontenttoanotherpublishingtool. Digi may make improvements andor changes in this manual. Xctu old version download, game of thrones s07 torrent download, download gif of rubber band breaking, psx1 save files download. Click on the download new versions option under the version section 2a. Digis xbee 3 zigbee rf module supports firmware overtheair fota.
List folders and navigate through the file system of the radio module. Xctu includes all of the tools a developer needs to quickly get up and running with xbee. If you choose to save the file, then the browser downloads the. This section contains download and install instructions based on operating system. Xbee 3 firmware does not support remotely setting the file system public key at this time. Digi provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a. When that happens, take your time, and systematically try all different connection settings. Open the configuration view of the target device in xctu and go to the file system category. For more information about xctu, see thexctu user guide. Connect the db9 connector end of the download cable to a. Libelium supplies the xbee transceivers with the desired firmware version 802.
A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. In xctu open the configuration view of the target device and go to the file system options category. Click on web for downloading new firmware files from the web 2b. The program features an adaptive download accelerator, dynamic file segmentation, high speed settings technology, and multipart downloading. Xctu communication can be really slow, and often it will fail. For example, you may think that your modem is at 38400 baud, but for some reason, it doesnt remember that and will answer ok on 9600 baud anyway. The highlight of this board is an ft231x usbtoserial converter.
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