How to use roadmapping for global platform products. Concept bob galvin, who was ceo of motorola during the period when roadmapping was. Technology roadmapping, in some form or other, has been around for hundreds of years. Motorolas roadmap is an example of a singlelayer roadmap, focusing on the technological evolution associated with a. The technology roadmap itself is the document created in the process. It is often said that the process of roadmapping is more important than the roadmap itself, as useful as roadmaps are for supporting strategic understanding, communication and alignment. Executive summary background a roadmap is a plan that is made up of stages and set along a timeline. Science report technology roadmapping an opportunity for the environment. Searching the internet for technology roadmaps demonstrates the range of. Roadmaps and the roadmapping process serve as excellent communications tools an effective means to link strategic operations, collaborative ventures, and business plans. A technology roadmap of assistive technologies for.
Strategic roadmaps david smith technology futures, inc. Technology roadmapping is a flexible technique that is widely used within industry to support strategic and longrange planning. The technology roadmapping process may be conducted in three phases see figure 1. A popular approach being applied to longrange planning is to produce a roadmap to show the path to the future. Expert teams developed roadmaps for six key enabling technology areas 17 roadmap team vision key themes process technology process intensification combining multiple uspdsp unit operations continuous processing. Motorolas early roadmapping process is documented by williard and mcclees 3, and the roadmapping task. The process of roadmap development brings together the various key stakeholders and perspectives, building consensus. The early roadmap evolved from simply establishing a hypothesis and developing methods to prove andor disprove the hypothesis. Technology roadmapping an opportunity for the environment.
Flexible production technology and industrial restructuring. The difference is driven by the collaborate need or more expensive or advanced technologies. Read integrating technology roadmapping and portfolio management at the frontend of new product development, technological forecasting and social change on deepdyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. The approach provides a structured and often graphical means for exploring and communicating the relationships between evolving and developing markets, products and technologies over time. An introduction to strategic roadmapping 5 common types of roadmaps include market, product, technology, supplier, and composite. Perspectives to the development of roadmapping lecture 1 toni ahlqvist phd, senior research scientist, team leader technology foresight and technology assessment vtt technical research centre of finland victoria technology roadmap roadmap training day 19. For a more detailed discussion of emerging technology roadmaps, see. Pdf click to increase image size click to decrease. Compiling the roadmap itself goes beyond the scope and time frame of. For the success of adopting the electric vehicle in the market, this report helps in enlightening the need for replacing the conventional vehicles by electric cars in the current world of technology and also extends it by constructing the roadmap for the pioneer of electric vehicles tesla motors. Technology roadmapping trm a roadmap is a strategic plan describing steps and. The process needs to be customised to suit the context, along with the structure and format of the roadmap.
Motorola services designs a strategic plan for optimizing your technology investment as well as developing a migration plan to help ensure your technology progression contains no surprises. Technology roadmap leading to enhanced strategic roadmapping. A vision of personcentred care based on the use of information and communication technology to maintain residents autonomy and continuity in their lives is presented. A technology roadmap document presents the industrys consensus on a number of topics. Heres a way of producing a strategic product plan that is documented, tracked and updated as the. One answer is the technology roadmap and roadmapping process. New separation and media technologies, coupled with advanced automation and process control. Dec 12, 2019 the technology roadmapping process may be conducted in three phases see figure 1. Fundamentals of technology roadmapping semantic scholar. The technology roadmapping method and its usage in chemistry. The oems, through the product sector champions, start the roadmapping process by presenting what they need to remain competitive in the world market. Roadmapping overview a4 institute for manufacturing university. The technology roadmapping process consists of three phases preliminary activity, development of the technology roadmap, and followup activity. A strategy for success creating a technology roadmap is a collaborative, iterative process.
Based on feedback from you, our users, weve made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Motorolas technology roadmap process,research management. The application of operation and technology roadmapping to aid singaporean smes identify and select emerging technologies. It identifies alternate technology roads for meeting certain objectives.
The process and the tool pirelli introduced to pursue this scope is a trm. In order to aid singaporean smes identify and select emerging technologies for business benefit, a modified process of the cambridge tplan methodology has been introduced and applied to a pilot sample of 30 companies in a variety of manufacturing sectors. Box 5800 albuquerque, new mexico 8718578 ex tended abstract e i technology roadmapping is a form of technology planning that can help organizations. The application of operation and technology roadmapping to. The initial motorola technology roadmapping process was prepared and kept current by a small committee of individuals from motorolas. The roadmap document resulting from the technology roadmapping process is the first step toward technological innovation. Use a technology roadmap to launch major technology initiatives. Consideration should be given to how the first roadmap is developed and then also to how the roadmap can be maintained, and how to deploy the approach more widely in the organisation. This tec brief is aimed at informing national level decision makers in charge of mitigation and adaptation processes about the benefits of using a roadmapping approach in order to facilitate the planning and implementation of technologies. Although the planning horizon for a technology roadmap differs from sector to sector, the steps for technology roadmapping remain the same. Technology roadmap development process trdp for the service. Focus of roadmaps is on manufacturing rather than end products. Motorola, began using it to determine the best pathway to prepare to address future markets.
Mcclees chicago corporate research and development pages 19. Jan 11, 2018 for the success of adopting the electric vehicle in the market, this report helps in enlightening the need for replacing the conventional vehicles by electric cars in the current world of technology and also extends it by constructing the roadmap for the pioneer of electric vehicles tesla motors. The technology roadmap of product is driven by the needs of product andor process. What if you could create a holistic roadmap of your evolving technology, throughout each phase of the lifecycle. Consideration should be given to how the first roadmap is developed and then also to how the roadmap can be maintained, and how to.
This fast and simple process takes the company through five key steps to. The problems of the exploitation of industry technology. Linking technology resources to business objectives find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Technology roadmapping innovation, science and economic. Technology management frameworks, processes and tools provide the means through which this valuable resource can be managed to ensure that technological investments are aligned with business goals and systems. Semantic scholar extracted view of motorolas technology roadmap process by charles h. Technology roadmap wikimili, the free encyclopedia. Why is a technology roadmap needed for the biopharm industry. Pdf technology roadmapping for the next generation. The technology roadmap is directed to a specific technology and focuses on the forecast of.
Pdf technology roadmapping is an approach that supports the integration of. In order to aid singaporean smes identify and select emerging technologies for business benefit, a modified. Company leaders or stakeholders often wonder how short and long term business goals can be matched to a specific technology all while keeping costs and risks low. Willyard and mcclees, motorolas technology roadmap process. In the 1970s, motorola created the process of technology roadmapping. One way managers deal with this is through product technology roadmapping. The scope of this thesis covers the examination of industry technology roadmapping process, including the selection process for panel members and preliminary identification of goals and challenges for the nonwoven medical textiles. This is attributed to the consensus building nature of the process when used to mediate strategic dialogue, often in the form of workshops. Appendix f roadmapping process the national academies press. A key feature of this process was the synthesis of the main elements of the strategic plan into a simple highlevel visual representation see fig.
One of the classifications related to the types of roadmaps is the one described by garcia and bray 1997 that defines three kinds of roadmaps. Pdf on jan 1, 2001, robert phaal and others published technology roadmapping. Motorolas technology roadmap process semantic scholar. The integration of strategic and technology planning for competitiveness olin h.
The process how to use roadmapping for global platform products by richard e. This got me to thinking about the many companies who want to achieve automated, synchronized and efficient operations, but who hesitate to invest because they fear the cost and complexity of technology, dont know where to start and dont yet have firm plans in place. Timebased elements represent the availability of a technology, product, and market or decisionpoints. How to use roadmapping for global platform products by richard e. A technology roadmapping process to transform the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry stewart mcnaull, phd kbi biopharma inc. This is attributed to the consensus building nature of the process when used to mediate strategic dialogue, often in the form of. Technology roadmapping provides a framework to visually integrate market, product, technology and evolution. Based on this vision, a roadmap and a list of challenges to realizing assistive technologies have been developed.
Technology management and roadmapping at the firm level. Typically, they reflect the planning horizon over multiple time periods. Technology roadmap development process trdp for the. Other roadmaps are at an industry level sematech, neminational electronics manufacturing initiative. Because the process is too big for one model, the phases are modeled separately. The roadmap document resulting from the technology roadmapping process is the first step.
Phase i identify the markets and needs that will fuel the. Once a roadmap has been developed it can be more widely disseminated, acting as reference point for ongoing dialogue and action. Process of industry technology roadmap in recent years, the development of technology roadmap has attracted the intention of the academia and the the industries of domestic and oversea. Integrated knowledge of product and process technology across development, manufacturing and commercial. Developing a technology roadmapping system citeseerx. Technology is a key resource in many firms, as a basis for generating competitive advantage, and as an enabler for many activities. Not only has the exploitation process of technology roadmap been researched in depth, but also has the application value of the roadmap been embodied more. Technology management addresses the processes needed to maintain a stream of products and. It roadmaps and successful technology roadmapping smartsheet. Technology roadmappinga planning framework for evolution and. The technology roadmapping method and its usage in.
It sets out goals and defines the steps needed to reach them. Attributes of nemi roadmap the nemi roadmap is customer driven, not technology driven. For the success of adopting the electric vehicle in the market, this report helps in enlightening the need for replacing the conventional vehicles by electric cars in the current world of technology and also extends it by constructing the roadmap for the pioneer of electric vehicles. A technology roadmap is a flexible planning technique to support strategic and longrange planning, by matching shortterm and longterm goals with specific technology solutions. Roadmapping is a method able to integrate different planning levels and to allocate options within these levels, using the metaphor of guidance through the complexity of a geographic landscape. It is a plan that applies to a new product or process and may include using technology forecasting or technology scouting to identify suitable emerging technologies. Technology roadmappinga planning framework for evolution.
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